Ronda Rousey And 19 Other UFC Stars Who Are Total Sweethearts In Real Life

Since the organizations inception, the outlook that many fans have of the men and women that pass through the revolving door of the UFC has been pretty one-note. Essentially, MMA athletes kind of have a particular stigma attached to them, and that stigma is pretty loud and clear: Tough and Mean.

Since the organization’s inception, the outlook that many fans have of the men and women that pass through the revolving door of the UFC has been pretty one-note. Essentially, MMA athletes kind of have a particular stigma attached to them, and that stigma is pretty loud and clear: Tough and Mean.

The world of professional wrestling dominated that category of athlete and performer for many years, but when people were introduced to the UFC by the leaders of the earlier eras, they got a load of what real toughness could be. And along with that toughness came an attitude that instilled fear and even dominance. Just look at characters like Conor McGregor and so many like him, how could we not think that most UFC stars have a few screws loose, so to speak?

But, as we see more and more of these men and women, we’ve become privy to some pretty interesting notions that they may not be as mean as you’d expect. Join us as we take a look at some of the nicest individuals that have practiced this sport.


Ronda's MMA career showed that she meant business once in the Octagon. No one was fiercer when it came to winning a match and applying the prison yard stare against their opponent. The stare of which we're talking about is evident in this photo, but in real life, Ronda is one of the sweetest people you'll ever get the fortune of meeting, as can be seen on her YouTube channel.


Stipe is a man that can definitely give you that epic prison yard stare ... a stare worth a few whimpers and a few steps backward, if you catch our drift. But that's just because he's a great martial artist. Just like in poker, when competing in the martial arts, a certain mindset is necessary, and the old poker face can go a long way in the fighting arts. In real life, this dude is as nice as pie.


Ken Shamrock was one of the first to take the sport of MMA to where it is today. A definite trend-setter and forerunner, he can lay claim to being one of the greatest of all time. He also had a professional wrestling career, which he has just returned to at Impact Wrestling, and has quite a few successful business ventures. But as fierce as he was, when it comes to meeting with fans or journalists, he is always very kind and warm.


This gentleman is currently signed with the UFC, and his fights are impressive as any other; his technique is astounding and he has a decent standing in his career right now, but like others in the industry, he puts on a stern face, but when he isn't in the Octagon, he can smile brighter than the next guy and he is reportedly very approachable and kind to one and all.


Don't let that smile fool you ... she can be all business in that Octagon. See all that gold she has strewn across her shoulders? Well, that comes from a serious attitude and an application of all her strength and aggression. But that doesn't mean she has to be mean spirited outside the Octagon, which by the way she isn't. As sweet as pie, this one. Just don't try to take away her gold.


Many would say that this man is as mean and as nasty as they come, but that's only because they're believing the persona he puts out in WWE. They're also probably picking up on the fact that he's an extreme loner and loves to stay home on his property with his family. But when he does have to mingle, he does so well and is quite kind, especially when he's out of character.


He had only two fights in the UFC, and he lost both of them, but perhaps no UFC star showed more heart and determination than this man. having come from the WWE he had a lot to prove, and he did so, but he has moved on from the sport regardless, concentrating on launching a film career. And although he could seem quite mean-spirited at times during promos in the WWE, he's actually a sweetheart in real life.


Like so many of the UFC alumni that have passed through the doors of the WWE, this young woman has taken her real-life martial arts skills and has applied them to a life in the professional wrestling ring. To have watched her compete in the UFC was a thing to have beheld, as no one showed more heart, passion and perseverance. She is now applying all of those traits to a life in the WWE.


Known to his WWE fans as Jack Swagger, this man, kind of did it the other way around, following in the footsteps of Brock Lesnar. He started in the WWE, and has most recently tried his hand at a UFC run, which was actually very successful. He's able to boast of a series of wins and can back up the attitude he has in the ring. He has recently signed with professional wrestling promotion, AEW and is known to be a sweetheart outside his public appearances.


A native of Brazil, this man has been a part of the martial arts all his life. His father is noted Karate grandmaster, Yoshizo Machida (町田嘉三), and he taught his son the true meaning of traditional Karate. While others shy away from the traditional side of the martial arts in the Octagon, this man applies all facets of the art in his repertoire. And like so many other Karateka (Karate practitioners), he is humble, respectful and kind.


Specifically, this woman looks like the Octagon should be the furthest place where she should be spending her time. She looks like she should be dominating the world at an office somewhere, maybe raising a family with a good dude. But don't let all that fool you, because this woman can kick and punch, as many of her competitors know quite well. She applied herself greatly and still doe ... at whatever she chooses to do.


A shot of the classic era of the sport, Like Dan Severn, Ken Shamrock and of course many others, this man personified the golden era of the UFC. He was fighting before there ever was a UFC and his bouts with many of the upper echelons of the sport have gone down in history. He is still the model for many fighters who use Jujitsu as a primary art in their respective repertoires... and, he's a true gentleman to boot.


Well, when you've got a name like this, that means that people have essentially equated you to being a machine. And what is a machine exactly? A soulless, emotionless entity or rather, creation. But as Arnold's T-100 taught us, even machines have feelings. As this woman is concerned, yeah, she's all business in the ring, but she's apparently quite gentle outside of it as reports show.


Another of the forerunners in the business, this man, like Ken Shamrock, can be considered one of the founding fathers of the sport. He too took traditional martial arts and applied them to his work in the ring, and his bouts have gone down in history. Not many have victories like this guy, most of which ended in an array of spectacular kicks that aren't seen that much today. He is now quite a prominent figure today, as he has spread his wings towards acting and other public ventures in the media.


Tank Abbott (left), has been known to scare a few people. If you remember quite well, he was even in the TV sitcom, Friends, in which Monica's season 3 boyfriend Pete Becker, played by the incomparable Jon Favreau, actually faces off with him in the Octagon. Abbott was menacing then and was menacing even in his run in the WCW. But in real life, he is and always was quite approachable.


This one here s quite special and was the favorite of many fans during her run in the business. She was a true champion, but she never really gave off the impression that she was a mean or nasty person. She always exuded that sweetness that she's become quite famous for. Instead of turning to the WWE however, she has launched quite the acting career as of late with many accomplishments she can be proud of.


People have seen this man quite often as of late, and that,s because he has most recently joined the ranks in WWE. Seems to me like the WWE is reaching out to many in the UFC world and the athletes themselves are looking to make a few bucks as well. We just hope that McMahon and company remember that the art of wrestling should be key when hiring talent, and hiring too many outsiders, so to speak, ones that haven't practiced the art of professional wrestling, can only dilute the final product.


A tremendous champion, and one that showed a lot of heart in his time in the Octagon. He could be tough and mean, but only when it counted. he has turned his talents to the big screen as well, as he was able to star in the Kickboxer reboot with his idol, Jean-Claude Van Damme. His performance was great and he even sparred with the man himself on camera. he looked like a kid in a candy store.


Now although she looks like the type of lady you wouldn't want to bump into in line at the grocery store, don't let all those layers of thick muscles fool you. She's actually, reportedly quite sweet. But she is most definitely one of the strongest women to pass through the doors of the UFC and MMA altogether, pound for pound. Her skills only take her strength further, and her bouts are always impressive to watch.


Known as Smooth Bendo, the moniker fits him quite well, as if Bob Marley were to have had a run as a UFC fighter, he'd be this guy, personified. laid back and smooth, for lack of a better term, this man applies himself in the calmest and methodical of ways. He's approachable in real life, but his calmness and smoothness doesn't at all ruin any success he would wish to achieve.

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