Powerball Jackpot Winners That Lost Everything

A Powerball jackpot can look a lot like the key to unlocking your dreams. But for some people, this key not only unlocked their dreams ... it also became their biggest nightmares. These individuals ended up squandering their fortunes on extravagant spending, bad investments, drugs, gambling, and even lawsuits. Here are some of the most


  • Powerball winners often face unwanted attention and trouble, like multiple robberies, legal issues, and personal tragedies, which can lead to the squandering of their fortunes.
  • Financial irresponsibility and misguided trust can cause Powerball winners to lose everything, as seen with stories of wasted money on drugs, guns, and failed investments.
  • Even winning the lottery doesn't guarantee a problem-free life, as shown by the devastating consequences of addiction, loss of custody, and even murder that some Powerball winners have faced.

A Powerball jackpot can look a lot like the key to unlocking your dreams. But for some people, this key not only unlocked their dreams ... it also became their biggest nightmares.

These individuals ended up squandering their fortunes on extravagant spending, bad investments, drugs, gambling, and even lawsuits. Here are some of the most heart-wrenching stories of Powerball winners who lost it all.

8 Jack Whittaker

Let's start with Jack Whittaker, already a millionaire before he hit the lottery jackpot in 2002 – with an astonishing prize of $314.9 million. Opting for the lump-sum payment after taxes left him with a cool $170 million at his disposal.

Initially filled with noble intentions, Whittaker promised to donate ten percent of his newfound wealth to charity while helping out family and friends. However, as soon as word got out about his windfall and generosity, he attracted no shortage of unwanted attention, and trouble started stacking up, too.

Whittaker fell victim to multiple robberies – one incident alone saw him lose a staggering $545,000 in cash (that he had carelessly left unattended in his car)! On top of that debacle was another headache, when a casino sued him for bouncing checks worth $1.5 million – intended for covering losses from his gambling escapades.

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As if legal issues weren't enough of a burden on Whittaker's shoulders already, he encountered problems with his construction company – leading up to accusations being hurled against him regarding assaulting a bar manager – marking yet another dark episode in this unfortunate saga. But those bitter pill-like experiences pale in comparison when considering personal tragedies added onto this unlucky man's plate: His granddaughter (along with her boyfriend) both tragically succumbed to drug overdoses, while mysterious circumstances surrounded the death of Whittaker's own daughter.

In hindsight (during calmer moments reflecting upon these harrowing events) Whittaker vehemently admitted that he wished he had torn up that winning ticket. Most of his fortune had disappeared into thin air, leaving behind a broken family and tarnished reputation.

7 David Lee Edwards

David Lee Edwards was no stranger to hard times before luck struck him in 2001, when he won a share of the $280 million Powerball jackpot ... amounting to $27 million after taxes. Having battled drug addiction plus an unfortunate past marked by felony convictions, this incredible victory seemed like more than just a stroke of good fortune – it felt like redemption itself.

Edwards was riding high on life. He had hit the jackpot, and he exactly knew how to enjoy it! He also hired a financial consultant who guided him and helped him to multiply his assets. With that, he jumped into stocks and was successful there, too.

Everything seemed to be perfect – but as time passed, old habits started to come back. Millions were wasted on drugs, guns and escorts - all while neglecting his personal health, which eventually led him contracting hepatitis through unsanitary needle practices.

Worse yet, loved ones drifted away. Both his wife and son decided to separate themselves completely from this self-destructive millionaire, after Edwards disregarded sound advice given by trusted financial advisers, thereby causing the latter's resignation altogether.

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Inevitably, everything went down the drain for Edwards; money rapidly dwindled, along with possessions, until there was nothing left but an empty void symbolizing what might've been. As of April 2023, a British tabloid claimed Edwards was living "in a shed."

6 Lisa Arcand

Lisa Arcand, a single mother struggling to survive day-to-day financial pressures, suddenly found herself with one million dollars after winning the Powerball jackpot in 2004. While it seemed like an oasis amidst arid sands of her reality, she knew all too well that such fleeting relief might not be enough to sustain luxurious dreams indefinitely.

Arcand chose a lump-sum payment totaling $661,800 (after taxes) – and using this windfall wisely paid off debt, enabled her to purchase a new residence, and allowed her to set aside money for her son's college fund. She even managed start salon and spa business.

Yet despite these initial glimmers of hope fortune had brought into Arcand's life, there lurked shadows, and doubt eventually descended. Her business closed its doors (unable to generate profit), while family members became almost leech-like ... forever eyeing the relatively modest nest egg she'd acquired.

Joining the ranks of those who voiced regrets over a Powerball or lottery win, Arcand concurred, echoing Whittaker's sentiments. She became employed as a waitress to later make ends meet.

5 Callie Rogers

Callie Rogers was just a young teenager when she struck gold in 2003. Winning £1.9 million at the tender age of 16 should have been a dream come true.

She left her job as a shop assistant behind and went on an extravagant spending spree that would make even the most seasoned shopper blush. She had everything – including multiple houses, luxury cars, and designer clothes. But little did she know, her fairy tale was turning sour.

Callie's friends were the real reason of her downfall; she was manipulated by her social circle, who took advantage of her wealth and soon enough, she became addicted to drugs. Things got so dire, she even began losing the will to live.

As if these hardships weren't devastating enough, Callie also lost custody of her two children (from a previous relationship). Inevitably spiraling out of control both emotionally and financially after squandering away her riches recklessly without any guidance or support system in place, everything came crashing down around her until there was nothing left but regret.

4 Abraham Shakespeare

Abraham Shakespeare's story shares similar themes as the others on this list, but it takes an even darker turn with fatal consequences. A simple truck driver's assistant turned millionaire overnight (after scoring $30 million in Florida's lottery in 2006), his rags-to-riches tale seemed too good to be true ... and sadly it was.

Overwhelmed by requests for handouts (and haunted by strangers who crawled out of the woodwork seeking a piece of his fortune), Shakespeare found himself entangled in a web of deceit spun by those looking to exploit him. Dorice "Dee Dee" Moore was one such spider lurking in the shadows; she feigned friendship while secretly planning her grizzly scheme.

Gradually gaining Shakespeare's trust with promises of penning a book about his extraordinary journey, Moore cunningly convinced him to transfer all his assets into her company - then she mercilessly silenced him forever. In 2009, Shakespeare's body was discovered buried beneath a concrete slab in Moore's backyard, exposing the sinister depth's humanity can descend when driven by greed.

3 Jeffrey Dampier

Jeffrey Dampier won $20 million in Illinois' lottery back in 1996, while working as a humble popcorn vendor. This modest man shared his newfound wealth with family members (including his ex-wife), and even ventured into entrepreneurship with a popcorn business venture alongside his new wife.

Tragically for Dampier, though he had generous intentions at heart, it would prove to be these very acts that became his undoing. Victoria Jackson and Nathaniel Jackson saw an opportunity too tempting to resist - robbing Jeffrey blind and kidnapping him seemed like an easy path to wealth to the duo.

Lured into their car under false pretenses of receiving a gift from them both ... little did Dampier know that this would be the last ride he ever took. A bullet finding its mark between shoulder blades sealed not just Jeffrey’s fate, but also condemned Victoria Jackson to three life sentences behind bars – while Nathaniel received capital punishment for the gruesome crime.

2 Jay Sommers

In the thrilling world of professional race car driving, success often comes at a young age, and Jay Sommers was no exception. At the age of 20 years old he had a net worth of $28.9 million after winning a lottery jackpot in Michigan.

He went on to buy not one, not two, but five luxury cars, on his first annual installment of $290,000 from the lottery winnings. But what he didn't knew that this was going to be one of his biggest mistakes.

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Soon, the burden of taxes became so much that he decided to accept help from a friend with purported business skills and money management experience. This so-called "friend" turned out to be nothing more than a ravenous wolf disguised in sheep's clothing.

To Jay Sommers' shock and dismay, his bank account was systematically drained, as this conniving individual recklessly invested his hard-earned money into dubious ventures doomed to fail. Betrayed and financially crippled by someone they believed had their best interests at heart, Sommers took matters into his own hands — quite literally.

Struggling to make ends meet after losing everything due to this treacherous scheme, he resorted to delivering pizzas just to put food on the table.

1 Martyn And Kay Tott

Imagine having all the winning numbers for a multi-million dollar lottery ticket within your grasp ... only for it to disappear like smoke dissipating into thin air: a true nightmare. This unfortunate twist of fate was the cruel reality experienced by Martyn Tott and his wife Kay, both of whom hail from the UK.

On the fateful day of June 24, 2001, Lady Luck smiled upon them as they triumphantly found themselves in possession of a lottery ticket worth an astonishing $5 million. But tragedy struck when this cherished piece of paper slipped through their fingers like grains of sand.

The despair etched across their faces must have been heartbreaking to witness. Determined not to let misfortune define them, Martyn and Kay immediately sought redemption.

They contacted Camelot — the guardian of these life-altering fortunes — to claim what rightfully belonged to them. But they had unknowingly crossed paths with a merciless deadline, missing it by a mere three days.

Their hearts shattered into a million pieces as Camelot confirmed the validity of their ticket, but refused to grant them access to the treasure trove beyond its gates due to strict regulations set in stone. Devastated and emotionally scarred by this horrifying series of ups and downs, Martyn and Kay's marriage gradually crumbled under the weight of this cataclysmic event, until it eventually disintegrated entirely in 2004.

Winning the lottery can seem like the epitome of fortune and a one-way ticket to a problem-free life, but these real-life outcomes show a Powerball win can often lead to unexpected problems instead of prosperity. It's crucial for anyone who comes into a large sum of money unexpectedly to exercise judicious planning and caution, to prevent these unfortunately common personal and financial catastrophes after a lottery win or major windfall.

