Here's Why Fans Think Kristen Stewart Ruined 'Snow White And The Huntsman'

The filmTwilight was a massive success in the pages before coming to the big screen. Once the story was brought to life, it became a global sensation that sparked an intense fandom that continues to help the films and characters thrive after all these years.

The film Twilight was a massive success in the pages before coming to the big screen. Once the story was brought to life, it became a global sensation that sparked an intense fandom that continues to help the films and characters thrive after all these years.

Kristen Stewart was the lead in the franchise, and those films helped make her a household name. Stewart would eventually land the role of Snow White, but her performance as the character was one that drew a lot of criticism. In fact, some think that her performance may have ruined the movie.

Let’s look back at what happened with Kristen Stewart playing Snow White.

Her Performance Was Criticized

Snow White and the Hunstman was a film that had a talented cast and a ton of potential, but the decision to cast Twilight’s Kristen Stewart as Snow White was a decision that was met with a lot of raised eyebrows. People just couldn’t imagine her in the role, and once the film was released, many people were quick to critique the performer for taking part in a role that she was not a good fit for.

In a review of the film, Dana Stevens of Slate would say, “Stewart is hilariously ill-suited to play a "Joan of Arc-like medieval action heroine. Her "slouchy bearing and general aura of passivity" make it impossible to buy the notion that her Snow White boasts the kind of irresistible charisma that leads peasant revolts.”

“Stewart is a talented actress who shines in contemporary roles — the "moony" Bella in Twilight, or the alluring female lead in Adventureland — but the ridiculous image of her storming a castle in full battle armor evokes "one of those parody trailers that opened up Ben Stiller's Tropic Thunder,” Stevens continued.

Another review referred to her performance as “laughably bad.” While not everyone agreed that Stewart was bad in the role, the bashing that she took from critics certainly did not help her place in the film. Most people have forgotten about this movie since its release, but the fans that enjoyed the film and Stewart’s performance will continue to come to their defense.

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She Was Outshined By Other Performers

After taking a shellacking for her performance in the film from some critics, another problem that people had with Stewart in the film was that she was completely overshadowed by other performers. To be fair, Charlize Theron overshadows most people, but this was still a point that people brought up.

“The film's fatal flaw is that the Evil Queen is far more fun to root for than Snow White. As the Queen, Theron smolders in fabulously-feathered gowns and wears contemptuous gazes that say, "I might kill you, but I might be too bored. Let me decide." All that ferociousness is pitted against, "well, Bella Swan in a corset,” said Moira Macdonald of The Seattle Times.

The Express Tribune would echo similar sentiments as Moira Macdonald, saying, “While Theron needed no help in sending chills down one’s spine it is disappointing that Stewart had zero chemistry with the scruffy (and sexy) huntsman. Despite a promising screenplay and a solid cast, Stewart fails to make any impact; Snow White and the Huntsman is destined to be famed for its villainous queen.”

Despite all of the flack that was made about Stewart’s presence in the film, the only thing that mattered was the film’s box office performance, which took some by surprise.

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The Film Was Still A Success

Snow White and the Huntsman was officially released back in 2012, and from there, it went on to do big business at the box office. Sure, some people weren’t fond of it, but the movie was able to haul in $396 million at the global box office.

Interestingly, a follow-up film would be made, minus Kristen Stewart. The Huntsman: Winter’s War was released in 2016, and it came nowhere close to being as successful as the first film was. Winter’s War was both a prequel and a sequel in one, which is a bizarre premise that simply did not works out. It just proved that star power does not always guarantee success.

As for Stewart, she has since moved on and done other things in film. To date, she has not matched what she did in the Twilight franchise, but she has continued to work and land lead roles to a mixed degree of success.

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Kristen Stewart may not have been a perfect fit as Snow White, but there is no denying that the film was a financial success at the box office.

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