Chuck Schumer Net Worth, Previous Offices, Political Party, Age, Contact, Salary, Education, Term En

Chuck Schumer, known officially as Charles Ellis Schumer, is an American politician currently serving as Senate Majority Leader.Chuck Schumer is the dean of New Yorks congressional delegation and he also serves as the senior United States senator from New York.

Chuck Schumer, known officially as Charles Ellis Schumer, is an American politician currently serving as Senate Majority Leader. Chuck Schumer is the dean of New York’s congressional delegation and he also serves as the senior United States senator from New York.

Chuck Schumer bagged a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard College and went ahead to obtain a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School. Chuck Schumer is married to Iris Weinshall and they have two children together.

Chuck Schumer Age

How old is Chuck Schumer? Chuck Schumer was born on November 23, 1950, hence, he is 71 years of age.

Chuck Schumer Net Worth

How much is Chuck Schumer worth? The estimated net worth of Chuck Schumer is $1 million.

Chuck Schumer Salary

How much does Chuck Schumer earn? Chuck Schumer earns salaries from diverse means so his average annual salary is not known.

Chuck Schumer Education

Chuck Schumer attended James Madison High School and was the valedictorian during his year of completion. Chuck Schumer proceeded to study Bachelor of Arts at Harvard College and went ahead to obtain a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School.

Chuck Schumer Previous Offices

  • Member of the New York State Assembly (1975-1980).
  • Representative of New York’s 16th District (1981-1983).
  • Representative of New York’s 10th District (1983-1993).
  • Representative of New York’s 9th District (1993-1999).
  • Senate Minority Leader (2017-2021).

Chuck Schumer Political Party

Chuck Schumer is a member of the Democratic Party.

Chuck Schumer Contact

Chuck Schumer can be contacted at the 322 Hart Senate Office Building in Washington DC. The phone number to contact Chuck Schumer’s office is (202) 224-6542.

Chuck Schumer Term End

Chuck Schumer’s term of office as Senate Majority Leader will come to an end in January 2025.

