Aw, Man! Terrence J Talks About Upcoming Films, Community Projects + Why 106 & Park Is His Fir

Talk about this book you are working on. What inspired you to write a book did Steve Harvey or now Tyrese has a book out, were they inspiration for you to do this?It kind of came to me actually. Where Ive been especially over this past year, my incite fullness on relationships and my honesty

Talk about this book you are working on. What inspired you to write a book did Steve Harvey or now Tyrese has a book out, were they inspiration for you to do this?
It kind of came to me actually. Where I’ve been especially over this past year, my incite fullness on relationships and my honesty and candor; A lot of women I’ve met have said you need to write a book because my perspective is totally different. I like to phrase it, when Steve wrote his relationship book, he’s writing it from the perspective of a war general who’s been through many of wars in relationships who is now happily married who has years and years of amazing and incredible knowledge to give you about relationships from his trials and tribulations of going through them over a durations over 25 years. Now you look at me, I’m the opposite, I’m in these streets right now! I’m a soldier in these streets. I’m not perfect, and I’m still messing up and still probably going to mess up! My book is written from the Facebook, Twitter, social media perspective. I’m going to tell women how it is. I don’t really know any guys that haven’t cheated. Until it’s out of our system, ’til the timing is right in our life, we’re not going to be the man that you want us to be until the timing is right for us.That’s why I always say timing is everything. When a man is ready, he’s ready.

What’s the latest on upcoming film roles for you or projects yourself and Fred Whitaker are producing? I saw on Twitter talks of a film entitled, Burning Sands?
Burning Sands is an incredible script, so we’re excited for that. As far as my acting career, I have about three very solid projects that I’m eyeballing. Over the next month I’ll probably be making an announcement of which one I’m going to accept. What I will say is the best part of my career is now me moving into the driver’s seat; it’s not so much of me begging for a role. I’ve auditioned so many times and got told no. Now it’s finally good to be able to look at three or four different projects and be able to choose the one that I want to do that aligns best with my career. I’m very happy at 106 so I don’t want to leave the show yet. Every project I do, I want to make sure if I’m taking time away from the show that it’s done for something that’s really going to benefit my career and boost my career forward.

Your fashion sense has evolved as you have grown, what are you going to be swagged out in this spring/summer? You have a great dichotomy of street style with sneakers and jeans and grown man looks with the suits.
For me it’s going to be a lot of colors, I can’t wait to throw shorts back on and get into the fresh new sneakers and all of those things. This year for me I want to take more risks. I have a really dope stylist, Mike B. He does work with Diddy, Chris Brown, Ludacris. Mike will tell you something is hot and my other stylist Quasi too, and you will look at it and say this ain’t hot and a year later everybody’s doing it. I’ve always gone safe, but this year I’ll be experimenting more with different styles. I love the denim vest right now, khaki pants and just trying to keep that dichotomy of staying young & fresh while staying sophisticated and prep school. The good thing with 106 is I’m on 5 days a week, so depending on how I feel that morning, I can say I’m wearing sweatpants and timb boots and the next day I just might have the Gucci vest. I can switch it up however I want and that’s the beauty of 106
because you always get to stay ahead of the curve with fashion.

What’s your sexy go to scent?
I just wear cocoa butter! I don’t ever wear cologne. It does something to my respiratory/nasal system. I don’t do well with a bunch of strong scents. Cocoa butter for me just has a good natural smell. I don’t have a lot of weight on me and I don’t ever perspire much, so I normally smell pretty good [Laughs].

What’s going on for the rest of the year between your community projects and 106?
I’m going out to Haiti again within the next three months. I’m doing a big initiative with Disney, and we’re going to be doing a big thing for back to school with the Dreamer’s Academy. You know with me every time you check my Twitter it’s like hey we’re doing something new! Our big thing now at 106 is Twitter. We’re taking our 106 App and Twitter to the next level. For the BET Awards this year, you’re going to see something interactive that you’ve never seen before. We launched the first interactive heat map where we’ll be able to track and call you [at home]. For instance, when you download our new app you might be in Dallas, you might be in San Francisco and we know everything about you [the viewer] because it says who you are. For example if we have Chris Brown on the show and you’re in Memphis, we’ll be able to call you from the set of 106 and let you talk to Chris live on-air! Maybe if he’s coming to your town for a concert, we’ll be able to give you tickets. Our new initiatives at 106 are taking the interactiveness to a whole new level. I’ve been producing for the show as well so that takes up a lot of my time. I don’t want any of my outside activities to ever affect my bread and butter. BET has been so good to me, Rocsi has been so good to me and 106 is still number one. That’s still my priority.

